10 Signs of Cancer You’re Most Likely To Ignore


There’s an estimated number of 1.7 million new cancer cases that are diagnosed each year in the United States alone, with more than 600,000 proving to be fatal. And while many people are now leading healthier and more active lifestyles, basic healthy living protocols such as getting exercise, consuming less fatty foods, avoiding excessive alcohol drinking or quitting smoking are not enough to prevent getting the big C. Cancer, in its many forms, can sneak up on you without you noticing, until they’re spread out over your body. Here are 10 signs and symptoms of cancer that you should not be ignoring:

10. Bloating

Image source: dagima.com

It’s not unusual for you to experience bloating, especially after eating a heavy meal. It’s also normal to go through bloating while you are on your menstrual cycle. But if you’ve been experiencing bloating for several days and it still hasn’t abated, it’s high time to get yourself out of the house and into the hospital for a thorough check up. While it could be some other issue, bloating is a symptom of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer causes tumors to grow in the abdomen, and when tumors increase in size, they can cause your belly to get distended.

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