15 Amazing Ways To Use WD-40 That Probably Never Occurred To You


Most of us can identify a can of WD-40 as a garage staple, and while that statement holds true, what most don’t know is that WD-40 is a versatile product that can be used outside the garage and in and around our homes. Not just a fix for squeaky hinges, here are 15 amazing ways you can use WD-40 that you probably never thought of:

1. Polishing Silver

Image Source: pinterest.com

The next time you run out of silver jewelry cleaner, try a can of WD-40. A cheap alternative, WD-40 does a perfect job of cleaning and polishing your jewelry and silverware items, preventing them from tarnishing even when in storage. Just spray the silver areas with WD-40, and polish them as usual.

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